Everything has a Place

a short observation of the value of "weeds".

7/7/20231 min read

Stepping back observing the Garden.

The flowers stand tall and brilliant. Their various colors a stark contrast on the backdrop of lushy greenery. The beauty is undeniable. The manicured bushes provide a guard rail where walking space ends and the bed itself begins. with intentionality they have all been placed, except for those things that we have learned to call, Weeds.

To Nourish them to their greatest heights, they grow taller than all else and acts as first point of contact for insects to land. It is here that the insects find perch and lunch, instead of on the flowers tucked away beneath.

To cut them down, they wither and die. Nutrients that once filled their stalks are now consumed by the worms that wriggle beneath the dirt. As they consume, the earth is tilled, and usable nutrients are left behind. Fuel for the flower to reach their fullest and most beautiful potentials. Future generations of beloved scenery fed by the worms that were feed by the weeds.

To let them stand, is to allow the native species to thrive. From which our pollinators, who have adapted to the region, can feed and cycles can survive. seeds spread from the blow of the wind, through this the plants cycle, too, can continue.

The value of a thing, or person, may not be seen blooming upon the service. Sometimes we must encourage high growth, see the beauty in differences, or let the course of life run before we can see that all things...

Have a Place.

Have a Purpose.