Weary about calling and talking to someone about how you are feeling?

NOW, speak with a crisis specialist via Webchat or Text. 988 IS NOW A NUMBER YOU CAN TEXT TO CONNECT WITH A SPECIALIST TODAY. Get expert help in managing your crisis from caring individuals who will be able to provide you advice in your time of crisis.


provided by Jack.org + Born This Way Foundation

The BE THERE certificate is a course that covers being an ally for those dealing with stress and mental Illness. The course covers important topics, such as signal recognition, when and how to engage professional help, and how to protect one's own mental health while supporting others. This course takes just 2 hours, you can work at your own pace, but this small sacrifice of time provides lifelong insight as to how you can be a part of saving the life of your loved ones and others.


National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, is a derivative of NIH, National institute of Health, that provides researched and peer reviewed information and resources that can help lead to a healthier understanding of your diagnosis and treatment. check your socials using the #shareNIMH to find some helpful resources or visit their website

BeThe1To is another place to get connected to resources. This is for those managing mental illness as well as those supporting others. BeThe1To has compiled global resources to help combat suicide deaths around the world. So wherever you are, you have access.